Paragon Sangeetayan, Gauhati

Specialist school

Milonpur Tiniali, Near Chandmari, 781021 Gauhati


Opening hours today for Paragon Sangeetayan

Weekly opening hours:

  • Saturday: 14:30-17:00

  • Sunday: 10:00-17:00

Business information and opening hours last updated 24 April 2024.

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About Paragon Sangeetayan

A school of Music & Art Pallavi Sarma had been unofficially running an art class at her home in Dibrugarh, after she got married in 1998, she had started it once again at our home (rented house) in Guwahati in about 2002, from then onward the class has been running. Finally in 2010, we set up a school in the name - "PARAGON SANGEETAYAN" at Chandmari Milonpur where we've been residing. Read more

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